You've come to this page because you've asked a question similar to the following:
My DNS server software is one of the ones that vainly try to wear all of the hats at once. How do I configure it to provide content DNS service, so that I can publish my DNS data to rest of Internet ?
This is the Frequently Given Answer to that question.
Disable all forms of recursion, by turning on the "disable recursion" option.
Although not necessary for the explicit task of making the server provide content DNS service, for security also
Ensure that all "zones" that allow Dynamic DNS updates only allow secure Dynamic DNS updates.
Disable all forms of recursion, by setting the recursion option in BIND's configuration file to no.
(Applicable only to BIND versions 8 and earlier) Disable additional implicit recursion (that the recursion option doesn't control), by setting the fetch-glue option in BIND's configuration file to no.
Although not necessary for the explicit task of making the server provide content DNS service, for security also
Ensure that all "zones" that allow Dynamic DNS updates only allow secure Dynamic DNS updates.