Don't send Microsoft Word documents to me.

You've come to this page because you've sent an electronic mail message to me containing a Microsoft Word document of some sort.

This is the Frequently Given Answer to such mail messages. You can read other people's similar answers on The GNU Project's web site, on The Elektronisk Forpost Norge's web site, on Tobias Brox' web site, on Jeff Goldberg's web site, on Tony Bove's web site, on Manuel M T Chakravarty's web site, on Tristan Miller's web site, on Samuel Tardieu's web site, on Neal McBurnett's web site, on Martin Vermeer's web site, and on Amanda Peet's web site.

Don't send Microsoft Word documents to me.

I practice behaviour modification through negative feedback. You have an incentive to stop sending Microsoft Word documents to me. I will usually simply delete, unread, mail messages sent to me that contain Microsoft Word documents. If your message was about something that you wanted me to do, or to read, then it won't stand a chance of being done or read until you send your document to me in an appropriate format.

© Copyright 2003,2004,2007 Jonathan de Boyne Pollard. "Moral" rights asserted.
Permission is hereby granted to copy and to distribute this web page in its original, unmodified form as long as its last modification datestamp is preserved.