Importing jail configurations

The native mechanism for this system is the service bundle. Natively, jails are a combination of "jail" services and "jailed" services. The external configuration import subsystem converts both FreeBSD version 9 and PC-BSD Warden jails into native service bundles. All services and targets are subject to the usual service preset mechanism.

FreeBSD 9 jails are specified with settings in rc.conf and become pairs of v9-jail@jailname and v9-jailed@jailname services. All converted services, when enabled, are wanted by the jails target. To enable the converted jails each jail and jailed service must have an explicit enable and the jails target enabled with jails_enable="YES" in rc.conf.

Note: Converted jails always start in parallel. There is no notion of starting them sequentially. The jail_parallel_start setting is ignored.

Warden jails are specified with directories in the jail directory (in turn specified by a setting in warden.conf) and become pairs of warden-jail@jailname and warden-jailed@jailname services. All converted services, when enabled, are wanted by the warden target. To enable the converted jails each jail must have an explicit enable and the warden target enabled with warden_enable="YES" in rc.conf.

If start and stop programs are not provided, conversion attempts to auto-detect the type of the jailed system (by detecting the files of various system management tools) and generate stop and start settings accordingly.