Per-user system services

Services created

The configuration import subsystem creates several services at the system level for each user.

user@name: user target

An umbrella target named user@name encompasses all of the other services. Starting the target auto-starts all of the other services, if they are enabled.

user-runtime@name: per-user runtime area

This service creates (on startup) and destroys (on shutdown) the per-user runtime area for the user that is in /run/user/name. It wants and is ordered after any mount service for /run/user that may exist. It wants and is ordered before any mount service for /run/user/name that may exist. The import subsystem does not generate or supply such mount services.

user-services@name: per-user manager

This service runs an instance of per-user-manager as the user. This in turn runs an instance of service-manager that manages the per-user services.

user-dbus-daemon@name: per-user Desktop Bus broker

This service runs an instance of dbus-daemon as the user. It uses a private configuration file from the service definition that ensures that dbus-daemon-launch-helper is used to demand-start servers. The socket that this broker listens on is in the conventional place at /run/user/name/bus.

This is an old way of starting up a per-user broker service. It is usually not used in favour of a broker service that is run by the per-user service manager and thus directly configurable by the user. The twain should not be used simultaneously.


If you want a user fred's per-user service management to be auto-started started at bootstrap, simply enable either the user-services@fred service specifically, or enable the user@fred target as a whole.

To have user fred's per-user service management start when fred first logs in, have system-control start user@fred (run by the superuser, of course) as part of the login process.

Users do not have to run any per-user services at all, of course.